The Importance of Loyalty Programs Today: The Case Study of Georgia

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Tamar Kvirikashvili


In the contemporary global struggle for market shares, most companies use loyalty programs to extend customers, increase interaction, and contribute to revenue growth. In Georgia, like in many other nations, loyalty programs have changed from the old regular point based programs to highly data-leveraged and automated ones as well as programs which integrate artificial intelligence and mobile platforms. The aim of this research is to assess the relevance of loyalty programs in Georgia looking at client perspectives, business frameworks and in actual assessment the success of loyalty programs in practice, particularly their genesis and operationalization. With case studies of businesses in Georgia as well as of international companies in Georgia and focus group discussions and quantitative questionnaires, this research pursues to explore and explain such factors as how the local market and global market operate and how do they coexist in Georgian context. Apart from that it also addresses how onsite loyalty programs are effective on retention of consumers and the engagement that results from it as well the recent developments that confirm where the future of the loyalty programs are heading.

Published: Dec 23, 2024

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How to Cite
Kvirikashvili, T. (2024). The Importance of Loyalty Programs Today: The Case Study of Georgia. Business Administration Research Papers, 9.
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